It's officially Monsoon Season in Colorado, so always pack a rain jacket and/or poncho. Rain usually sweeps through the mountains for an hour or two and then passes. If an emergency evacuation happens, please go to the Red Rocks Museum (Upper North area) to seek shelter. Walking back to the bus is not advised as it can be dangerous if there is hail or a flash flood.

Red Rocks Tips & Tricks
I wanted to share something wild with this community...
Yesterday, I purposely counted how many steps I took while at a normal Red Rocks concert, and the number blew my mind...
I walked 500 STAIRS in one night.
I walked down from the upper north entrance to row 11. I went to the bathroom and got a drink twice. I also bounced around and visited some friends in the upper rows.
So, the moral of this story is to wear good shoes! You can easily walk 10,000+ steps for one concert.
RIP my feet on the one time I wore boots with heels to Red Rocks 💀
the directions printed on the wristbands are super helpful too!
Visitors to Red Rocks, take note. This is the proper etiquette for standing or sitting in your space.
You sit on the wood BEHIND you and STAND on the concrete in front of you.
Never stand on the wood behind you and block the other person's view. This is a big NO-NO at the venue.
It is also proper etiquette to introduce yourself to your neighbors and to help hold their space if they need to go to the bathroom.
Introducing yourself to your neighbors early on is such a vibe enhancer!
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BusPartyCo Member
Frequent Rider
BusPartyCo Member
BusPartyCo Member
Frequent Rider
BusPartyCo Member
I feel like I'm overdue for a red rocks rain shesh