Join the Bus Party! Colorado Social Club for Music Fans
What is Bus Party! Colorado?
Bus Party! Colorado (BusPartyCo or BPC) is on a mission to bring music enthusiasts together for an enhanced VIP Red Rocks Experience. Through our exclusive social club and membership program, verified fans will mingle and journey together as a dedicated fan club to see their favorite band. Our members often describe the community atmosphere as lively and welcoming, and once you join us, you'll discover why they believe it's "the ultimate Red Rocks experience!"
Cost to Join:
There is no yearly membership fee; you only pay for the specific events you want to attend. Participating in one of our unique fan club networking events ranges from $45-$55 per person (depending on date).
Our Pillars:
Music, Community, Networking, Fun
Our Mission:
We're committed to bringing music fans together and fostering a welcoming community that embraces inclusivity and support. Our values center on spreading positivity, showing respect, and leading with kindness. Following the principles of PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect), we aim to create a space where everyone feels valued and respected.
In our community, we celebrate the one common thread that binds us all—music. We believe music is a universal language with the unparalleled ability to connect people from diverse backgrounds. It has the power to heal, inspire, and unite us all, and we believe that everyone deserves to experience its transformative influence.
We're seeking individuals who value the transformative power of music and are committed to fostering connections within the BusPartyCo community. By registering as a Club member, you agree to abide by the following Community Code of Conduct.
This means being generous, helpful, and thinking of other people's feelings.
We never know what others are dealing with, and our generosity, support, or small acts of kindness may go a long way in their lives. Be the positive difference.
Kindness implies not teasing, bullying, or giving someone a hard time (including the driver or another member). This is unacceptable behavior will terminate your event ticket.
Kindness means following the principles of PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect), we aim to create a space where everyone feels valued and respected.
Absolutely, not tolerated: Aggressive, Hostile, Rude, Entitled, Vulger, or Angry behavior towards community members and/or the driver. If you are rude or disrespectful to the host, driver, or community member, you will be asked to leave an event and potentially be banned. This includes cussing, yelling, instigating fights, and/or generating any negative energy that makes people feel uncomfortable.
Follow the Golden Rule of Life: Treat others how you wish to be treated.
Respect means being considerate to your community and stopping unwanted behavior without trouble. If someone says STOP, you stop without resistance.
Respect means not violating personal space bubbles. Don't touch people's arms or legs or get too close to their faces. Please always maintain an individual space bubble around you and your neighbors as a sign of respect.
Respect means not purposely leaving trash lying around, stealing, or damaging property. If you break this rule, you may be charged a fee, removed from this group, and/or kicked off the bus without a refund.
And most importantly, show respect and appreciation towards your driver/host, the vehicle, and our incredible partners.
We strongly encourage you to participate in our networking events because it enriches the experience.
Participation may mean smiling, introducing yourself, asking questions, singing, dancing, high-fiving, sharing, and starting friendly conversations. The more you get involved, the more you will get out of the experience.
Events start with a member meet-and-greet at the Kiss & Ride bar before we board the private music networking bus to Red Rocks. This hour is designed to help you bond with your fellow Red Rocks adventure buddies and ensure you feel at ease within the community.
From there, you'll board our private music networking bus to Red Rocks. We view the bus ride as a significant aspect of the community networking adventure! Throughout the excursion, you'll have the opportunity to connect with 20-30 like-minded community members in an intimate environment that encourages communication and social connections, ensuring you leave with a handful of new friends.
NOTE: If you are prone to anxiety in loud and tight spaces, the BPC bus may not be the right fit for you. Members are encouraged to enjoy themselves, which may result in energy before/after the show. Energy is allowed if done kindly and respectfully (i.e., dancing, singing, laughing, etc.)
Seating is open, so you may have different seats on the way there and on the way home. Be flexible and use this opportunity to meet new people.
- We ask that you not embarrass yourself or the BPC community.
That means not putting yourself or other members at risk by abusing alcohol or drugs.
No illegal drugs are allowed at Club events. If you break this rule, you will be removed from this group and kicked off the bus without a refund.
You are responsible for being a functioning and coherent member during Club events.
This means listening to verbal instructions from staff, using the tools provided to solve manageable problems (i.e. reviewing your wristband or asking Red Rocks attendees for directions) and properly communicating with your driver/host.
Please do not be the way too-drunk/spun person who either cannot find the bus at the end of the evening or is so sloppy that they ruin the entire vibe on the member bus. This type of behavior will result in being removed from the group.
You are responsible for returning to the bus on time after the concert.
No refunds will be given if you do not make it to the Lower South Lot 2 in 30 minutes. The walk typically takes 15 minutes. Instructions are printed on your wristband, you have your driver's phone number, and a map is provided in your pre-event text. There is no reason to get lost.
Cleaning/Damage Fee
Puking, peeing, or bleeding on the bus (not in a trash can or in a puke bag) will result in a $300 cleaning fee. If an incident occurs, you will be contacted and provided with additional information.
This fee goes directly to the bus company and the driver, who must spend 2+ hours deep cleaning/sanitizing the bus at 2 a.m. before the next ride.
Our community does not bully, discriminate, or make people feel uncomfortable for being themselves. Harrassment is NOT tolerated in our community.
We do not allow any forms of Sexism, Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Sexism, or Transphobia inside our community. All music fans are welcome (as long as they are kind and respectful!)
These behaviors are unacceptable and will result in an automatic ban.
We ask that you step in and help someone in need if the situation calls for it (i.e., choking, injuries, or in a threatening situation). We ask that you speak up if you notice something weird or off.
No weapons are allowed at any Club events. You will be banned and immediately reported to the authorities.
Safety means you will get home safely by NOT DRINKING AND DRIVING after Club events. This behavior is not tolerated in our community. It is reckless and selfish. If you need help getting home, don't hesitate to ask your driver.
Updates to this Agreement
It is your responsibility to read this Membership Agreement and keep apprised of any changes. We may occasionally update or modify this Membership Agreement at our sole discretion without prior notice to you. Any updates and modifications we make to this Membership Agreement will be binding on you even if you choose not to read them. The updates and modifications will be binding on you from when we post them and each time you register for or participate in a Club event.
Eligibility and Membership
Membership in the Club is offered to music fans who believe in the power of music to connect and unite. Members must be at least 21 years old on or before the date that they register.
Willingly Participate in Networking Events
Our events start with a member meet-and-greet before we board the music networking bus to Red Rocks as a fan club. This hour is designed to help you bond with your fellow Red Rocks adventure buddies and ensure you feel at ease within our community. You’ll receive special name tags with different personality types and a "topic of the day" to help spark conversations and encourage social connections. As a member, you understand what is involved and agree to participate in the event willingly and without a bad attitude.
Fee & Payments
BusPartyCo Social Club has no annual membership fee ($0). You are only responsible for paying the specific event fees for the Club events you want to attend. Please note that your event fees do not include host/driver tips (optional but recommended).
Emails & Text Messages
You understand that from time to time, the Club may send you emails or text messages about Club events and updates (like location changes and/or time changes). You grant the Club permission to contact you via email and phone. If you do not provide contact details, we are not responsible for you missing the event, and we will not issue a refund.
Filming & Photography
You acknowledge and consent that the Club may, from time to time, photograph or record video of events for marketing and safety purposes. By attending Club events, you grant the Club irrevocable permission to capture and use your image and likeness in photographs or video recordings, and to post such content on social media platforms including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
Weather / Event Delays
We reserve the right to delay/postpone events due to foul weather or unsafe conditions. If this occurs, we will notify you by email and text.
Group Ticket Policy
BusPartyCo Social Club is a members-only private club. To participate in our networking events, all patrons must agree to our Membership Agreement and have an active membership. If you buy tickets for guests, you must have them sign up as BPC members before checking in. Membership will be periodically checked, and guests without an active member will not be allowed to attend the event until they register.
Event Cancellation / Location Change
Bus Party! Colorado reserves the right to change meet-up locations and cancel club events due to low attendance (less than 5 members) or unplanned issues that put our club members at risk (e.g., health issues or mechanical trouble).
Open Seating Policy / No Reserved Seats
Our music networking events feature an open-seating policy. We do not assign or reserve seats. We encourage people to sit next to different people on the way there and on the way home (think musical chairs). After all, that's how you get to meet more people! At the end of the night, if someone is sitting in your original seat, go with the flow and don't be stubborn. If you have belongings under the chair, kindly ask them to pass them over.
Leaving Items on the Bus
Feel free to leave your stuff on the private bus, but keep in mind that the bus will head out during the concert while the driver takes a break for dinner. Unsecured items might shift around a bit, so it’s best to stash your things in the back of your seat or a zipped bag (like a backpack). Small items left in the cup holder will likely fall out, especially during turns, so avoid leaving anything valuable there.
Belongings Are Subject to Search
When you attend Club Events, please note that your belongings might be checked for security reasons. By coming to the event, you agree to these checks and any other security protocols we have in place, and you waive any claims related to them. If you choose not to consent to these searches or don't follow the protocols, you will be denied entry or asked to leave the premises, and unfortunately, no refund or compensation will be provided.
Loud Music & Special Effects Warning
Members may be subject to extremely loud music and sounds, as well as strobe lighting and moving lasers. Individuals who are sensitive to light and sound should consider this warning before riding with us. You knowingly assume all risk of injury, harm, loss, or illness due to any special effects used at Zeppelin Station, Red Rocks, or inside the party bus.
Risk Involved
As an active club member, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with participating in a Club networking event conducted on a traveling party bus. You knowingly assume all risks related to injury, harm, loss, and potential exposure to illness that may arise from riding as a passenger in a moving vehicle to both ABW Events and our affiliated transportation partners.
Damages to Property
When attending a Club event, you acknowledge and agree to be financially responsible for any damage you cause. This includes but is not limited to, damage to equipment, rips, tears, burn marks, and any vomiting or staining to any of our affiliated partner's vehicles. A sanitization/cleaning fee of $300 will be charged for vomiting, urination, or excessive blood on the bus.
Liability Waiver
As a member of this Club, I hereby release, waive, and forever discharge any and all liability, claims, and demands of any kind or nature against ABW Events, their affiliated partners, and their event staff, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This includes but is not limited to, claims for damages or losses arising from the negligence, fault, or conduct of ABW Events and their affiliated partners, whether related to bodily injury, illness, health, economic loss, out-of-pocket expenses, or property damage. This release extends to any claims now or in the future related to my participation in this club.
No Refunds
Unless otherwise noted in writing, all sales and purchases are non-refundable. If you fail, for any reason, to arrive for your event or the scheduled departure time (outside of the 5-minute grace period), you will not receive a refund. No refunds or exchanges will be available if you are unable to travel for any reason.
Ticket Transfers
Tickets are transferable to another BusPartyCo member. Please email to transfer your ticket to a different member.
Ride Termination for Bad Behavior
If you break any of the Code of Conduct above, the event host or driver can terminate your ticket without a refund or explanation. Other members have the right to tell the host and/or driver about unwanted behavior; it is up to the host/driver to decide on the consequences.
In Summary
As a registered Bus Party Colorado Social Club member, you are bound to our Code of Conduct, Membership Agreement, and Liability Waiver. By signing below, you understand the Club's rules and knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm, loss, and possible exposure to illness associated with Club Events and riding as a passenger inside a vehicle with other individuals.
New Member Application
Are you a passionate music fan who enjoys meeting new people?
If so, join the community!
Complete the form to start your membership application.
After you fill out this form, you will be asked to create a login and review your member profile.
A membership card and welcome email will be sent to the email provided.
Use your member login to access the member portal, community forum, or events calendar.
What now?
Keep an eye on your email for your new Member Verification Card. Make sure to save that email, as we’ll be checking membership cards at our club events.
Once you have your card, you’re all set to dive into our website and start planning your next Red Rocks adventure!
Welcome to the music fan club—we’re thrilled to have you with us!
Membership Benefits
Check out what’s included with your new membership, and remember to visit our Member Perks page for exclusive hotel and museum discounts.